
What Are 10 Minute Trainer Methods to Develop Muscle Without the Assistance of Weights?

In an ideal world, weight training would be much easier than it is. Unfortunately most of us have very full lives to lead in addition to getting in shape and staying healthy. In order for a build muscle program, cardio exercises and all the other aspects of a healthy lifestyle to fit together, time management becomes a vital component of a long-term program.10 Minute Trainer
If you are a regular at your fitness center, do you just suspend your workouts when you are out of town on business or a vacation? How about for those of us who can't afford a membership, or can't fit weight training equipment into the budget? Training with weights is probably the most efficient way to gain strength, but if that's not possible it is certainly no reason not to exercise. Here we will give some different ways you can gain muscle without the use of weights.
1. Upper body. Push ups are excellent for building the shoulders, deltoids and chest, and absolutely no equipment is required. Just get face down to the floor and push yourself up with both arms, maintaining a straight, rigid body. You may do many variations of this exercise, for greater strength training place the feet at a higher level off the ground, or place additional weight around your body. Or if that weight is too much, do the routine with your knees on the ground, or leaning with hands against a wall and push yourself away from the wall.
Another simple exercise is the praying hands. Place your two palms together as if praying, extend your arms straight or bend them at a 90 degree angle. Press them together for as long and hard as you can, then stop and repeat. Another exercise is the isometric bicep curl, where you make a fist in your opposite palm and push down, at the same time pushing up with the opposite palm. Be sure to keep your elbows in.10 Minute Trainer
2. Other upper body exercises. Dips are great for the back and triceps. Place two chairs on either side of you, place each hand on the chairs and lower your weight down, then lift back up. Chin ups can be done by grasping a bar above you and pulling up. Variations of this exercise will tax different upper body muscle groups by positioning the hands differently when pulling up.
3. Leg muscles. Squats can be done in a variety of ways, the basic being to stand with your feet apart and lower your weight down slowly, as low as possible without hurting the hamstrings or knees. If your just getting started you may want to get going by supporting yourself slightly with chairs on either side of you as you squat.
4. Stomach muscles. Crunches hurt a lot, especially if you are not strong in the stomach area, but are great for the abs. Lie on your back, hands behind your back and feet on the floor. Now lift your upper torso upward for five to ten seconds and release. Leg lifts are easier, as with this exercise you lie on your back and lift both legs off the floor for as long as possible.10 Minute Trainer

