
Anatomy Of A Successful Training Program

Anatomy of a successful training program: Just wanted to share practical information. Failing to plan then planning to fail is very true when it comes to meeting and exceeding personal fitness goals. This is true whether it is body fat reduction, strength gains, increase in flexibility, rehabilitating an injury or overall health. Without proper assessment of our total current physical conditioning we can overlook muscle imbalances and weaknesses that have been preventing us from reaching any noticeable progress. The cycle of joint aches, back strains and muscle pains over compensating for weaker ones will continue without proper training.

Corrective exercises can only be prescribed after a proper assessment by a professional fitness trainer.

Anatomy of a successful training program begins with a current fitness assessment. Afterwords, a customized program will be initiated based on exercise science principles not to mention common sense.

Here is an example of a solid workout plan; optimize results by working in all anatomical planes:

1. Sagittal Plane: divides the body into right and left portions. e.g. bicep curls, tricep kickbacks
2. Horizontal/Transverse Plane: divides the body into upper and lower portions. e.g. horizontal seat rows, chest press
3. Frontal Plane: divides the body into front and back. e.g. lateral shoulder raises, side hip bridges
4. Circumduction/Rotary: Cross all planes- chop lift, trunk rotation with band, airplane pose (my specialty)

All workouts can be summed up with the following acronym ' S.A.I.D. Specific Adaptation to Impose Demands' - this is how we reintroduce stimulus to unconditioned muscles. For example by activating and stretching your inner thigh and outer glute muscles you will notice an increase of control and balance while performing squats or even walking up a flight of stairs.

Our outside physical appearance is like the tip of a iceberg. If you really want to know our true state of conditioning we need to look deeper. The foundation of the iceberg is below the surface and so is your success. Developing a solid and balanced exercise foundation in the early stages will lead to long term results.

I love proverbs and this describes the importance of assessment 'A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.'

Integrate a sensible nutrition plan, sleep well, and receive guidance from an experienced trainer and you have a plan for success.

Results can be life changing! Here is what you will experience: increases in functional strength and conditioning, naturally increased metabolism, enhanced sport specific performance, neuromuscular activation, reduced stress, improved circulation, body fat reduction, postural alignment, challenge, and enjoyment.

Also remember, Your goals are the most important variables to a successful training strategy.


The Three Simple Steps To Fat Loss

Its unbelievable but being overweight has now moved from a social nuisance and domestic embarrassment to an official disease.

The American Heart Association has announced obesity a dangerous epidemic and a major risk for heart disease. More than 70% of US adults are overweight and that figure is rapidly increasing.

But by following three simple steps in your everyday life you do not have to become one of the above statistics. They are easy to follow without time constraints and don't require a complete lifestyle change. These three steps are:

1. Strength Training - Nowadays you do not have to live in a gym to put on functional muscle. Short high intensity sessions performed once a week is all that is required to elevate the metabolism for total fat burning.

2. A Small Decrease in Daily Calories - Diets don't work (everybody knows this by now) but by decreasing your daily calories by a small amount, the weight loss is body fat alone and not lean tissue and water that is associated with crash diets.

Remember fat accumulates on the body over a long period of time so it must come off slowly.

3. More Incidental Activity - Instead of driving try walking. Walk instead of taking elevators or escalators, and just keep moving through out the day.

Lets have a look at the Three Steps in more detail below:

Strength Training

Between the ages of 20 and 70 the average person loses one quarter of their muscle mass. Running, cycling or other aerobic sports will not prevent this loss.

This is very disturbing because the muscles are the engines of the body and every pound of muscle burns 100 calories every day.

By adding just 10 pounds of functional muscle to your body, you will burn off 60 pounds of fat over the next year.

Providing you take in the same amount of calories, it will keep burning those extra pounds year after year! The amount of fat the body can burn is directly related to the lean muscle your body has.

If you don't perform weight training to maintain your muscle tissue, you will lose half a pound of the fat burning tissue per year after the age of 20 years. In simpler terms the more functional muscle you have on your body the more fat you will burn up.

Small Decrease in Daily Calories

For years now, we have been told to use dieting to rid the excess fat from our bodies.

The trouble with this concept is that the low calorie restricted diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body holding onto the fat and using precious muscle tissue for energy.

This would then lower the metabolism causing greater muscle loss and when the diet is broken the unwanted fat would not only return but actually increase.

The way around this is to cut your daily calorie intake by a small amount of calories only. This will stop any starvation mechanisms from clicking in.

You can do this by making up a seven day eating plan and writing down every thing you eat for the week, and then work out the calories you have eaten with a calorie counter. Divide this figure by seven and you have your daily calorie value.

Decrease daily calorie value by a couple of hundred calories per day and no more. This will generate slow weight loss and the majority will be fat loss only. The daily calories should be consumed during the day with small frequent meals.

The calories should come from a balanced diet (no fad diets please) with the required amount of micronutrients, vitamins and minerals. As well as containing the required amounts of fibre, fat, protein and carbohydrates.


Yoga To Grow Taller?

People who take up yoga can noticeably grow taller due to the fact that they are able to hold themselves better and their spine stretches. Now that’s an interesting fact for you! Yoga is one of the fastest growing activities in the world and provides everybody with so many benefits whether male or female. Yoga is really about creating balance in the body through developing both strength and flexibility. This is done through the performance of poses, each of which has specific physical benefits. There are many different types of yoga but all provide you with unbelievable results.

• Do you want to become more flexible, stronger and fitter? Due to the breathing techniques used and the fact that all your joints receive full range of movement, you will not be waking up sore any longer. Yoga will make you feel like a new person.

• Want to improve your posture? Yoga can realign your body in new ways and not just make you grow taller!

• Yoga makes you look and feel better! Why? Your muscle tone becomes more firm and your complexion begins to radiate!

• Want to find out more about your body and how it works? You will learn how your conscience and unconscious mind can either support or harm you, and as you get more involved in yoga you will develop more wisdom.

• Having trouble sleeping? Yoga can be a very deep relaxing form of activity that you will find you will be sleeping better in no time.

In order to get started today and practice yoga you must be aware that there are so many different types of yoga systems. Do your research and choose which one will benefit you the most. Below is a brief listing of just a few types of yoga systems that are offered around the world today.

Hatha -

Said to be the basis of all types of yoga systems as it includes many of the different physical movements in all systems of yoga. Hatha yoga is a very calm and meditative form where yoga is practiced more slowly involving lots of control and grace throughout the body.

Bhakti -

Leads you to an emotional path of surrender where it deals with love and devotion. Lots of emphasis is placed on the love of god, love of god in man, and the surrender to gods will.

Karma -

Want to take the path to selfless action? Karma yoga makes it clear that as humans we must always work in harmony with the greater power which controls and runs the universe. ‘All actions and rewards are given to the divine’.

Kunalini Yoga -

It focuses on the psychic energy centers within the spine and much different to most of the religious systems around the world. It is said that when one becomes aroused the potential energy becomes a conscious driven force and the person can result in a state of super consciousness and bliss. When two people have mastered their self by relaxing their body tensions and being able to release their energy blocks then because they have reached the same level they can come together and form a whole.

So don’t wait any longer! Join a yoga class in your local area and you will never feel better!


10 tips for Healthy Eating!

Now is a great time to focus your attention on the importance of making smart food choices by practicing healthy eating habits. Not only will you reach your weight goals, you will also have a healthier digestive system, increased energy levels, better moods, clearer and younger looking skin, increased metabolism, increased ability to fight off colds and the flu, decreased risk of many health related disease and feel amazing!

Here are 10 tips to guide you in healthy eating! The quicker you implement these guidelines, the quicker you will see amazing results!!! Post them on your fridge to remind you of some good choices to attain and maintain an ideal healthy weight!

1. Eat breakfast everyday!!! This is hands down the most important tip I can share with you! By eating a healthy and balanced breakfast you will give yourself the fuel you need to start your day off right with energy, mental focus and the elimination of starvation mode. What is starvation mode you ask? It kicks in when you have a long period of time that goes by and you don’t get any caloric energy in the form of food. Your body is smart and was designed to survive (not to be beautiful…lol), so it sends a signal to store extra fat in case there is another long period of time that goes by without eating so you have fuel reserves for energy in the form of fat. From the time you go to bed until the time you wake up is generally the longest period of time with no food intake. Breakfast simply means to BREAK the FAST!

2. It’s ALIVE!!! Make sure you focus on eating foods that are alive. Foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables have enzyme activity and are nutritionally rich which adds life to your body! Foods that are biologically dead, such as processed snacks with high sugar content, do not provide any nutritional benefits other than extra calories and actually steal valuable chromium and B-Complex vitamins to metabolize them. I advise you to shop at local food markets that purchase locally grown products which contain more nutrients and fewer pesticides than produce which is purchased from foreign countries. Plus, it contributes to a greener environment by saving on transportation fuels and supports you community!

3. Consume high-fibre foods daily: In order to maintain digestive wellness, it is essential to eat foods that have a source of fibre. This includes whole grains (oats, spelt, barley, rye, buckwheat, millet, whole wheat, brown rice), legumes (beans, lentils, split peas) fruits and vegetables. Fibre rich whole grains work to increase your metabolism, because they take longer to digest and absorb, plus they contribute to a feeling of fullness. Personally, I throw a couple of teaspoons of Psyllium Seed Husk into my protein shakes for added fibre and digestion.

4. Diet starts with DIE! Generally speaking dieting is deprivation. Many people view diets as there last chance to lose weight or a quick fix and instant solution. This is the trap that sooooooo many fad diet programs prey on emotional potential weight loss clients with. Be AWARE! Do your research on long term effects. They destroy your metabolism! Focus instead on a healthy personalized nutrition plan which guides you in losing no more than 2-3 lbs per week. This will increase your metabolism and keep the weight off providing you stick to the plan and learn how to eat properly. Eventually in will become second nature and habitual. Slow and steady wins the race!!!

5. Make H2O your best friend: Water is the most important ingredient in healthy eating and any serious weight loss plan! It is vitally important to good health and wellness because it makes up about 80% of your blood and brain. By consuming a minimum of 2 litres per day, you will stay hydrated, think better, speed up the process of losing weight, detoxify, clear up your skin, look younger and curb food cravings which lead to overeating. I suggest for you to take a sip or 2 of water every 20-30 minutes, instead of chugging a large amount and this will prevent you from constantly visiting the can!

6. Don’t fear the fat: It is vitally important to eat an adequate supply of healthy dietary good fats! Throughout all of the cell membranes in your entire body, fat is one of the main components. If you eat a sufficient amount of healthy natural fats, your cellular processes will function normally. If you do not, your cellular process will be severely impaired and your body will need to work harder to operate correctly or form degenerative diseases. This is also especially true if you are consuming large amounts of heavily processed, man-made, chemically altered fats which are found in most processed foods. BONUS: Healthy dietary fats are excellent for optimal hormonal production, muscle building and fat burning processes!!!

7. Are vitamins and supplements necessary? To be honest with you, most of these products are a complete waste of money, do not contribute to optimal health and just contribute to expensive urine. Having a healthy and balanced nutrition plan consisting of a large variety of unprocessed foods (fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, grains, nuts, seeds) will provide you all of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants we need for perfect health. Of course if you don’t have the discipline to eat well, then maybe they are better than nothing.

8. Eat after you train: The other most important meal of the day is right after any resistance or cardiovascular activity or work outs! This is when your body is in a catabolic state where your muscle glycogen is depleted and elevated cortisol levels are beginning to break down muscle tissues. The solution is choosing a meal with quickly digestible carbs to replenish muscle glycogen and quickly digestible protein to provide amino acids for muscle repair.

9. Eat 3 meals and 2-3 snacks: By spacing your meals by about 3-4 hours apart you will provide your body with the nutrients and caloric energy it needs to thrive every day! This will also contribute to the decrease in the starvation mode signal to store fat which was aforementioned earlier. A suggestion is to have the meals balanced with 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% good fats in order to maintain a healthy body weight.

10. Fast-Food for thought: Many clients ask me what they should do when they are going out for fast or convenience food. Obviously, I would suggest not to do it at all, focus on making your own healthy meals and bring them with you if you can, however I must admit I enjoy the occasional burger too. In the case you are forced into one of these fast-food establishments, I would strongly suggest to stay away from soda, fries, hash browns, breaded fish or chicken sandwiches, nuggets or anything absolutely soaked in DEADLY trans fats from industrial hydrogenated vegetable oil!

I challenge you all to make a commitment to attaining a healthy weight and stick to it! Personally, I didn’t get incredible results until I focused on my nutrition plan. This is when I finally began to see some serious definition and a killer six pack! You can do it too! With drive, passion, persistence and believing in oneself you can become successful at anything in life!


How small training variations can be the difference between progress and stagnation

There has been much written on the subject of periodization and variation in resistance training. I'm a very strong advocate of these principles, both from my own experience and the results others have achieved (and are continuing to achieve) using these principles.

There are literally an infinite number of ways you can structure a program, and more training variables than I can probably think of off hand. Everybody knows the basics like intensity, rep range, and split, right? Well to give you a quick run-down there are also variables like rep tempo, rest interval, volume, density, and frequency to name a few.

Not only this but there are also training techniques like supersets, giant sets, trisets, circuits, pre/post-exhaust, drop sets, and wave loading that you can incorporate into your lifting schedule. And in the grand scheme of things all this is barely scratching the surface. See what I mean about infinite program variation?

The problem is though, while some people take all this into account (and those that don't, may you wallow in the pit of the so-called "hard-gainer" for eternity) there's one thing they invariably end up missing - the movements.

Exercise selection is something that far too many people, myself included, tend to forget about. You get comfortable with a set of movements and you do them program in, program out, no matter what else you change - and for some people I'm betting that its the factor that has got them stuck in a rut.

Things like split and rep range your body will adapt to relatively quickly which is why they are probably the most varied parameters from program to program - more often than not the rep range will change many times even in the same program. Though your body might take a lot longer to adapt to the selection of exercises you are using, more-so if you frequently change the other program variables, make no mistake - IT WILL ADAPT.

Your body is like some sort of Borg warrior from Star Trek, no matter how advanced your technology is your body will find a way to adapt and then BANG - your progress is assimilated into the hive mind of the supplement-junkies. For the love of god don't end up like Picard.

I'm guilty of it myself, learning new movements can be annoying because for a week or two your form is kinda shaky and you're not really sure what sort of weight you should be using and aww to hell with it I'm just gonna bench some more.

The truth of the matter is that for a little extra effort you can get out of that rut, sometimes not even by changing movements altogether. Even a slight variation in the same movement you are using could be enough to get some more progress going. I've come across some good examples of both that I thought I'd share in this article alongside their more "regular" counterparts, as well as a short list of exercises these movements can replace in your program if you aren't even doing them to start with.


Tips for Runners, Walkers, or Joggers

The Importance of Exercise to Joint HeathJoint health should be a concern for everyone—regardless of your age. Joints are the points where two bones meet and are equipped with muscles, ligaments, cartilage, and Synovial membranes that are built to bear weight and allow movement. Joints work toward executing all our movements and making us flexible. Because of this, they are also more susceptible to wear and tear.

There are several ways to help ease aching joints: two important ways include regular exercise and maintaining a healthy weight. Thirty minutes of low impact aerobic exercises three times a week can help to promote joint health. These exercises could include swimming, biking, and walking—to help reduce excess weight and in turn decrease the extra load on the joints.Walking and running are great ways to maintain a healthy weight, strengthen joint muscles and build stamina.

In terms of heart health, strengthening your bones, and helping to keep you fit, walking and running are ideal. But starting a running program can be intimidating and often beginners “burn out” too quickly.

Planning Your Running Routine

So how does one start up a running routine? The trick is to start small. Experts advise to start slowly—not to begin by running immediately. At first, just go outside, stretch and take a long walk. By doing this, you are easing your body into a routine that it is familiar with as well as building up stamina. Be sure to first master your walking technique. Don’t walk slowly or shuffle but move at a pace steady enough to make your pulse rate increase. Always keep your back straight, head erect and tummy pulled in. Arms should swing loosely and you should land on the heel of the foot at all times. Soreness and fatigue will increase if you walk flat-footed or on the ball of your foot. Don’t strain for distance; and when climbing up an incline, lean forward and continue to breathe deeply at all times. Your speed is less important than the time spent on your walk as it takes about 20 minutes for your body to begin realizing the effects of any habitual form of exercise.As you find yourself becoming more comfortable with walking, pick up your pace. Aim for a quick stride that you can continue to maintain. The goal is to get your body more used to a heavier work out. But don’t overdo it.

Your next goal is to try and power walk at a relatively fast pace for longer and longer periods of time. Once you can do this efficiently for a month, move slowly on to jogging alternating between jogging for thirty seconds and power walking for a few minutes. Ease yourself into this and push the intervals of jogging up as you progress. Caring for Your Joints While RunningThe biggest advantage of walking or running is that it can be done just about anywhere. But not all surfaces have the same impact. It is recommended that you regularly vary your location because of the different impacts involved and the stresses which may affect and strengthen your joints differently. For example, running on softer surfaces such as sand or grass may increase the risk of injuries. This is because running on uneven and inconsistent surfaces like the beach creates varying pressures in your feet, ankles, knees and hips with every step. Natural surfaces like these also tend to be uneven and slope, and cause extra pressure on the ankles and feet to maintain their balance. And for many, this may cause unnecessary wear and tear and even lead to possible tendonitis, joint inflammation and even fractures. That said, grass, sand, trails, dirt roads and the like are still less stressful than concrete and asphalt. When running on softer, natural surfaces always build up slowly and pay attention to the surface to minimize your risk of injury.

Another way to prevent injuries while walking and running is to wear running shoes that offer the correct support and cushioning depending on your foot type. Shoes absorb the shock of hitting the surface while running, and if you run or walk regularly, you will need to replace your shoes every 350-550 miles. Also eat well, stock up on fresh fruits, vegetables, loads and loads of water to aid the recovery process as well as prevent any long term damage.

Supplements such as GoFlex are formulated to provide the nutritional building blocks necessary to support healthy joint function and help slow the progression of joint discomfort. Key ingredients in GoFlex that help to nourish and maintain joint health include Glucosamine Sulfate, Interhealth Collagen Type 2, and Hyal Joint—among a number of natural nutrients. This breakthrough product offers a totally new approach to joint nourishment, protection and health.

Check with your health practitioner before beginning any new routine and whether a health supplement like GoFlex is the right choice for you. Running is also a great way to stay in shape both physically and mentally. Enjoy yourself and make running a habit!


Top 7 Tips To Stretch Your Back, Hip And Leg Flexibility

How much time should you spend stretching? This is up to you. To do all the repetitions of all exercises in the following would take at least 30 minutes. It is encouraged to try all the stretches and then decide what works best for you. You may choose to do only a few exercises that seem most helpful for your back condition. Or you may decide to do fewer repetitions of each exercise. Or you may do everything. You are the best person to decide what works for you. The exercises do not all have to be done at once. You can do a little here and there over the course of your day. Here are some of the tips that you can consider to adopt.

1. Trunk Rotation

Lie on your back with your arms out to your sides. Bend your knees and either place your feet flat on the floor or pull your knees up toward your chest. Roll your legs to one side and then the other. Experiment with leg positions to find the one that is most comfortable for you. Move from side to side 20 times. Hold the last stretch to each side for 20 seconds while you relax and breathe easily.

2. Knees To Chest

While lying on your back, pull one leg at a time up to your chest. Then raise your knees and pull both toward your chest at the same time. Do 20 repetitions of each motion, holding the last repetition for 20 seconds.

3. Hamstring Stretch

Lie flat on your back in the neutral position. Keeping your left leg straight, bend your right leg, at a 90-degree angle so that the lower right leg is parallel to the ground. Clasp your hands behind your right knee, and begin to straighten your right leg. Do a gradual stretch three to five times, holding it for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat the stretch with the opposite leg.

4. Hip Flexor Stretch

Kneel down on your right knee. Make sure that your upper body is straight and that your left leg is bent a 90-degree angle. Keeping your hips square and your upper body perpendicular to the ground, drive your hips forward. As you move forward, you should feel the stretch in your right hip. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat three to five times. Repeat with the other leg.

5. Quadriceps Stretch

While standing, reach back and grab your right foot or ankle with your right hand. Pull your foot up toward your buttock to stretch the muscles on the front of your thigh. Keep your knee pointing down and next to the other knee. Be sure to stand up straight and avoid twisting. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat three to five times. Repeat with the opposite leg.

6. Calf Stretch

Stand with one foot in front of the other or with your feet together. Keep your toes pointing forward and your heels on the floor. Lean forward to feel a stretch at the back of your ankle and calf. Hold it for 20 to 30 seconds. Relax and repeat three to five times.

7. Gluteal Stretch

Lie on your back with both legs flat on the floor. Grab your knee and ankle with your hands and pull it toward the opposite shoulder. Hold it for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat three to five times. Repeat with the other leg.


Success Tips for Women Executives and Entrepreneurs

Why do so many people find true abundance elusive? Most of them are missing the key ingredient: complete and utter confidence in themselves, which is inseparable from complete confidence in their physical self: their body.

Of course, getting that total body confidence can be a tall order, especially if you have a long way to go. Yet it's crucial that you make the commitment to get there if you want to achieve true success and abundance.

How a lack of body confidence can hold you back

Just think about it... If you are concerned about how you look, you'll always have a handicap. Whether you're networking, negotiating a deal, or making a presentation on stage, your lack of confidence puts you at a disadvantage.

1) You avoid the spotlight

Chances are that you're also afraid of the spotlight that could come with success. How would you really feel about being on TV? Everybody looks heavier on TV, they say, and if you're already self-conscious about your weight, you may try to avoid any opportunity involving a camera, at least subconsciously. Can you see how that can hold you back?

2) You lack the crucial ingredient you need to attract others

There's more. As long as you're being plagued by that niggling fear that you're looking less than your best, you will lack that air of confidence that is so attractive to others. And it gets even worse -- you have reason to be concerned.

3) People judge others by how they look

It's a fact of life that people really do judge us by the way we look. The more attractive we are, the more strongly people are drawn to us. Studies have shown that people who are more attractive get promoted more quickly and make more money. You can insist on political correctness all you want, but it isn't going to give you that raise. And it's certainly not going to bring you more clients and customers.

Of course I agree that it's not fair to be judged by the shape of your body, but belaboring that fact is not going to give you the results you desire. If you want to achieve success and abundance, there's really just one question that's helpful: "What are you going to do about it so you can achieve the benefits below?"

The benefits of taking action

1) More confidence

I know how you feel - because I used to be more than 30 pounds overweight. Before I finally claimed the fit and healthy body I truly wanted, I was down and depressed. Now, I love meeting people and I even love being on stage and in front of the camera. There are no longer any worries about how I look. Instead, I'm free to focus on the reason I'm there.

2) More physical energy

You see, most people spend up to 70% of their energy just digesting their food. That doesn't leave too much for doing the kind of things that will boost your success. So if you can reduce that percentage to 50% by making your metabolism more effective, you'll practically double the energy you have available. Imagine the competitive edge all that new energy could give you.

3) More emotional energy

And you'll gain more energy in other ways as well... How long does it take you to find clothes that make you look good -- or at least as good as possible? Finding clothes that flatter a less than fit body can be a true project. Not only does it require extra time to go through your closet or a store's offerings to find something that camouflages those "bad" parts, but it also takes a lot of energy. How so, you may wonder...

Most people really beat themselves up in dressing rooms. Looking at the unvarnished truth in full-length mirror can be challenging indeed. But do you know how much emotional energy all that self-criticism can take? And chances are, you're also doing the same thing every morning when you decide what to wear for the day.

4) Success and abundance

You will begin to thrive in all areas of your life once being self-conscious about your body no longer holds you back.

Now, if you are ready to thrive, I'd like to invite you to claim your free Consumer's Awareness Guide and MindBody FX Book Preview which will give you the support to finally claim your fit and healthy body, double your energy, and boost your confidence so you can achieve true abundance.


10 Common Mistakes Made While Strength Training

1. Focusing on demonstrating, rather than developing, strength. When you engage in a strength-training program, your primary goal should be to build strength, not show other people how much you can lift. More often than not, such a misplaced focal point will compromise your training efforts by its natural tendency to lessen your adherence to proper exercise technique.

2. Not strengthening what you think you’re strengthening. Specific exercises develop specific muscles. When designing your strength-training program, it is important that you select the exercises that will enable you to achieve your particular training goals.

3. Not controlling the speed of the exercises. When performing strength exercises, you should raise and lower the weight under control; otherwise you’re "throwing" the weight, as opposed to lifting it. As such, you should avoid all ballistic movements (e.g., dropping, jerking, and bouncing) while lifting.

4. Not exercising through a full range of motion. To ensure that your musculature retains its natural elasticity and is developed to its fullest, you must perform every exercise in your strength training regimen through its full range of motion. Otherwise, your muscles will tighten up, resulting in a condition commonly referred to as being "muscle bound."

5. Not exercising opposing muscles. Your body has muscles that oppose each other (e.g., your quadriceps muscles are "opposed" by your hamstring muscles). These pairs of muscles have a proportionate strength relationship that must be maintained in relative balance. If one becomes too strong for the other, you risk injury to the weaker muscle.

6. Holding your breath while exercising. Some individuals occasionally hold their breath while lifting to "gut out" an extra repetition. Such a practice will lead to a substantial rise in pressure in the chest that may result in either dizziness or (in extreme instances) unconsciousness. The basic rule of thumb is that you should never hold your breath while strength training. If you really want to synchronize your breathing with the exercise, inhale whenever the resistance is lowered or pulled toward your body and exhale when the resistance is moving away from your body.

7. Not exercising at the right level of intensity. A muscle becomes stronger when a demand is placed on it. If you place less demand than your muscles can handle, you’ll get less improvement than you are capable of achieving. On the other hand, too much demand will either expose you to an undue risk of injury or make the exercise too difficult to perform properly.

8. Not giving your muscles an appropriate amount of time between workouts to recover from the demands placed upon them. When you stress a muscle beyond what it can normally handle, some rest is needed for the muscle tissues, tendons, and ligaments to recover. If the recovery time is too brief, your muscle may be unable to make physiologic adaptations needed before being stressed again. Conversely, if you take too much time between workouts, your muscles will gradually return to their untrained level.

9. Trying to do too much too soon. Your strength-training program should be progressive in nature. As such, you should gradually increase the stress you place on your muscles as they are able to meet the imposed demand. Keep in mind that lifting too much too soon can lead to failure and injury.

10. Not performing the exercise properly. Only one proper way exists to perform a specific exercise. As such, you should always adhere to the correct technique when strength training. If you compromise the recommended mechanics for doing an exercise, you will compromise your results.


Exercise and Lung Health

1. Deteriorating circumstances. Individuals who have lung disease often feel that it is impossible to exercise because they suffer from muscle weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. When they try to exercise, they get discouraged and stop working out when they get short of breath. In reality, their subsequent inactivity only makes their symptoms worse.

2. Confronting the challenged. Among the numerous health benefits of exercise is helping the heart and lungs work better. For example, exercising on a regular basis enables the muscles to become more efficient, which, in turn, allows them to perform the same amount of work with less oxygen.

3. Stepping out. Walking is an appropriate exercise activity for individuals with lung disease who want to initiate a physical activity program. It’s relatively easy, doesn’t require any special equipment, can be performed almost anywhere (indoor or outdoor), and doesn’t place undue stress on the exerciser’s musculoskeletal system.

4. Training the lungs. Individuals with lung disease should try to breathe deeply as they exercise. All factors considered, increasing the amount of oxygen taken into the lungs would enhance the training impact on the respiratory muscles. In fact, to the extent possible, they should attempt to breathe out twice as long as they breathe in. At no time should they hold their breath.

5. Keeping things in perspective. Being short of breath while working out should not be perceived as unduly harmful. More often than not, it is merely a signal that the lungs are working hard. On the other hand, individuals with lung disease should stop and relax for a few moments before continuing if they feel too tired or if they experience shortness of breath while exercising.

6. Being mindful. Individuals with lung disease who choose to exercise outdoors should be aware of the quality of the air they breathe (as anyone who exercises outdoor should), particularly on days when high levels of ozone ‘‘smog’’ are in the air. Ozone smog exacerbates the breathing problems of people with poor lung health.

7. Keeping a respectful distance. Individuals with lung disease should avoid exercising near congested highways because they are particularly susceptible to the adverse affects of air pollution. As a rule of thumb, they should try to stay 30 to 50 feet away from any car whose motor is running (stationary or in transit).

8. Lessening the difficulty. Individuals with inhaled allergies should try to reduce their exposure to allergy triggers (e.g., dust, dust mites, pollens, animal dander, air pollutants, etc.). Such triggers can make exercise more difficult for these people. For example, these individuals should avoid engaging in outdoor activities before midmorning, when pollen counts are typically at their highest.

9. Planning ahead. Asthma sufferers should consult with their doctor and determine if a preventive dose of medication should be taken before they engage in physical activity. As such, individuals with asthma should premedicate if their physician believes it is appropriate for them to do so.

10. Engaging the part of the brain that controls common sense. Like their healthy counterparts, the exercise-related advice for individuals with lung disease is fairly straightforward: use common sense, make a commitment to exercise on a regular basis, set and strive to attain reasonable goals, listen to the body, and always try to adhere to the ‘‘minimum effective dose’’ principle.


Ways Fitness Professionals Can Be More Business-Like

1. Plan and act strategically. Successful businesses (and individuals) tend to know where they are, where they want to go in the future, and how they plan to get there. They have a strategic plan that provides them with a systematic basis for prioritizing the time, energy, and resources that need to be allocated to a particular goal. A well-formulated strategic plan can serve not only as a blueprint for purposeful activity but also as a viable means to help reduce the degree of uncertainty.

2. Understand the bottom line. Fitness professionals need to understand the financial aspects of business and their application to their particular undertaking’s operation. Their sense of financial awareness enhances their ability to appreciate the financial implications of their actions. Further, they need to be aware of the fact that in the long run, making a profit should not be their singular focus. Rather, profits are the result of a business operating successfully.

3. Adopt and adhere to a budget. A budget is a plan that an individual or organization uses to operate the financial side of its business. Budgets can be either operational (short-term) or strategic (long-term) in nature. Properly developed, a budget is a tool that can help fitness professionals better manage their available resources.

4. Be results-oriented. Accomplished individuals have a vision (goals and objectives) and a plan for objectively determining the degree to which their vision is being achieved. They focus on and measure the results of their actions and activities and use these measurements to make appropriate adjustments in their strategic plan.

5. See people as assets. Successful people tend to see the inherent good in others. Further, they recognize the fact that every individual may have his or her own unique set of interests and needs that should be respected and dealt with in an appropriate manner.

6. Position themselves in the market. One of the most important strategic decisions that service and activity-oriented organizations and individuals must make is how to position their product in the customer’s (i.e., client’s) mind. The positioning process involves three basic steps: selecting a target group of customers, designing a positioning strategy, and capturing that position by an effective marketing program.

7. Communicate in a skillful manner. The ability to communicate effectively is one of the most indispensable requirements for success. Skillful communication involves many dimensions (e.g., verbal, non-verbal, writing, and listening). All factors considered, the greater the degree to which individuals master each of these dimensions, the greater the likelihood of their being successful in their chosen endeavors.

8. Learn to handle change. As a rule, change is never easy, but change is inevitable in almost all aspects of life. People change. Priorities change. Expectations change. Attitudes change. Achievement-oriented people, however, have the vision, sense of self-responsibility, and courage to embrace change as an inevitable consequence of life and the ability to adapt to circumstances as they exist (as opposed to how they would like them to be).

9. See the big picture. Individuals who prosper not only are able to attend to the important details that enable an undertaking to operate smoothly, they also have the ability to think ‘‘big.’’ As such, they are conscious goal-setters who are able to achieve an appropriate balance between their short-term and long-range professional and personal aspirations.

10. Navigate the path to success. Becoming a successful person can involve a number of factors, some of which can be directly influenced by the person, while others can’t. One factor that can be controlled by individuals is to gain an understanding of relevant business principles, involving such areas as financial management, communication, marketing, and customer service, and to apply those principles to their professional efforts.


Got 15 or 30 Minutes? Time To Exercise!

If there is one thing in life many of us would like more of, it is time. In fact, as a trainer the number one objection I hear from people about not working out is that they do not have the time nor the money for a session.
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You could perhaps make the argument that in today’s economy, the reason we do not have the time is that we are putting in more hours to make ends meet.

However, it is the quality of the little time we have that is important. Exercise can improve that quality of time and make us stronger for our families and more productive at work.

As a new mom, I am certainly getting a lesson in time management. However, I find that I can check more things off of my To Do List when I energize myself with a workout.

The American Council On Exercise, as reported on EverydayHealth.com by writer Leigh Crews, offers several suggestions for fitting in a quick 30 minute workout. One of their most important key points is to “schedule it like an appointment” and to not wait for “the right time” to exercise.

Partner up with someone to help you stick to your goals. Crews says, “For many people, an exercise partner is the glue that helps you stick to your commitment.”

You want to also make sure that you’re in the right frame of mind yourself and can be encouraging to your workout partner, even if they’re achieving faster results than you. Don’t get or act discouraged and let your partner down.

Another suggestion is to start out slowly by going for a walk. I find this is a nice way to get clients moving and is even better if you can get them outside to enjoy nature. That mind-body focus helps them stay motivated with varying sights, terrain and nature sounds.

If you do not have 30 minutes, you do not get a hall pass to eliminate exercise. A study last year found that 15 minutes is enough time to get results.

The study out of Tawain found that all you need is 15 minutes a day. The study was conducted by Tawain’s National Health Research.


Choosing The Right Fitness Clothes For Lunch-hour Workouts

Many men and women still fall into the trap of thinking that it is the fitness workout program that matter the most while the fitness clothes have a secondary importance. In many ways, this is true as what you do to your body to maintain its health specifically exercise is more important than what you put on it. Still, we must consider that exercise being a strenuous activity, the right choice of clothes is important, too.

 General Tips:

 Since your lunch-hour workout is often performed in the middle of a busy working day, you want to get in and out of them as fast as possible just so you will not be late for any after-lunch appointments. We suggest looking for fitness wear that you can wear underneath your office suit, if possible.
 If this is not possible, you must look for fitness wear that can be put on and then peeled off the body with a minimum of fuss. Most sportswear have no zippers, buttons and other unwieldy fasteners for this purpose while women's fitness wear often have built-in pads for the chest portion to protect your modesty.
 Your fitness clothes must also adhere to the following criteria:
 It should be of the right size - neither too tight nor too loose. Too tight clothes mean restricted movements while too loose clothes can pose a danger especially on mechanical workout machines like the treadmill. It must be of good quality material that slows the body to breathe, to be flexible and to ward off sweat accumulation. We suggest buying high-quality fitness clothes for this purpose even if you have to spend a few more dollars for them.
 And of course, you must choose workout clothes based on the specific exercise activities you will be engaging in.

 Clothing Tips:

 Aside from the abovementioned general tips on choosing the right fitness clothes, you will also benefit from these tips on choosing the right tops and bottoms for the occasion. First, your clothes must be made from lighter materials than what the weather indicates. Keep in mind that you will be sweating as the exercise movements become strenuous and, in the process, you will be getting warmer. If you dressed up in thick clothing because the air temperature was cool, you will end up being too warm in your fitness clothes.
 Second, you will want to dress in light-colored clothes during the warm seasons and dark-colored clothes during the colder seasons. This is to reflect or absorb the sun's rays in a more efficient manner. And if your lunchtime workout involves exercising in, say, Central Park, do remember to use sunglasses and to slather on sunscreen.
 Third, you have to choose comfortable clothes that more or less hug the body. We are talking about shorts, leggings, tank tops, tee shirts and even jogging suits in your size. Although there are fitness clothes that say one-size-fits-all, you want just the right size for your body.
 Fourth, your footwear must be right for your feet, right for the activity and right for your fitness goals. For example, if you have a high arch, then look for footwear that supports your feet.

 Ultimately, your workout clothes must not only be a reflection of your personality but, more importantly, a reflection of your fitness goals. Go for function over form, we always say.