
What's a normal resting heart rate?

For an adult, a normal resting heart rate ranges from 60 to 100 beats a minute. For a well-trained athlete, a normal resting heart rate may be closer to 40 beats a minute. For healthy adults, a lower heart rate at rest generally implies more efficient heart function and better cardiovascular fitness.

To measure your heart rate, simply check your pulse. With your palm facing upward, place two fingers on the thumb side of your wrist — or place your index and third fingers on your neck to the side of your windpipe. When you feel your pulse, count the number of beats in 10 seconds. Time yourself with a timer or the second hand on a clock or watch. Multiply this number by 6 to determine how many times your heart beats in one minute.

Keep in mind that many factors can influence heart rate, including:

    Activity level
    Fitness level
    Air temperature
    Body position (standing up or lying down, for example)
    Body size
    Medication use

Although there's a wide range of normal, an unusually high or low heart rate may indicate an underlying problem. Consult your doctor if your resting heart rate is consistently above 100 beats a minute (tachycardia) or below 60 beats a minute (bradycardia) — especially if you have other signs or symptoms, such as fainting, dizziness or shortness of breath.


Useful Back Dumbbell Exercises

The back muscles are ones we use every day, yet ones we rarely work out. There are various back dumbbell exercises that one can very easily perform by simply reading these instructions. After adding these simple back dumbbell exercises to your workout routine, you will have a more complete workout addressing more muscle groups.
One Arm Row on a Knee:
With a dumbbell in one hand, place your other hand and one knee on a bench. Then, while keeping the rest of your body motionless, lift the dumbbell up next to your chest, bending your elbow behind your head. Then, after a short pause, slowly let the dumbbell down and repeat. Be sure to exhale when lifting the dumbbell up, and inhale when lowering.
Wide-stance Row:
With a dumbbell in each hand, spread your feet just beyond shoulder width and bend your knees, allowing for flexibility in your hips in the squat position. Then, lift the dumbbells straight to your chest, pause at the peak, and drop the weights back down to the starting position. Be sure your knees do not bend, putting the stress solely on your back. Like the above exercise, exhale when lifting and inhale when releasing down to the starting position.
Dead Lift:
This back dumbbell exercise is very similar to a squat with a bar. Begin with a dumbbell in each hand on the ground. Bend at the knees and hips to grasp the dumbbells, then stand straight up, making your back upright and straight. Then drop back down to the starting position and repeat. Breathing should be similar to the above, as you exhale when lifting and inhale when dropping back down.
Stiff Dead Lift:
Similar to the exercise above, begin with dumbbells in each hand standing straight up. Then, bending at the hips, lower the dumbbells straight to the ground, this time keeping your knees straight and locked. Keeping your arms straight, stand back up, keeping the stress on your back.
All of these back dumbbell exercises will expand your workout to include more muscle groups and keep the muscles you use every day strong and active.


3 Tips for Performing the Dead Lift

The dead lift is an essential lift that must be included as part of any strength training regimen. The reason for this is the fact that it incorporates more muscles than just about any other lift, enabling you to lift a greater amount of weight than with most other lifts. Because the dead lift allows you to lift a considerable amount of weight, it is important that you understand the proper way to perform this lift.

I want to provide you with three simple tips that will help to guarantee you're using proper form so you can get the full muscle and strength building benefits of dead lifting, without compromising your personal safety by risking injury.

Tip #1: Start with the Bar Close to Your Shins

The number one cause of dead lifting injuries is the rounding of the back while lifting the bar from the ground. Many times this could be avoided by simply understanding the proper placement of the bar before initiating the lift. The bar should be an inch or two away from your shins. Any more than than and you'll have to lean too far over to grip the bar, which will cause you to round your back and greatly increase your risk of injury.

Tip #2: Lift From Your Heels

While it can seem natural to use the balls of your feet to stabilize your body, the proper way to initiate the lifting movement is by pressing up from your heels using the hamstrings and posterior chain. This will allow you to lift heavier weights and also keep your back erect.

Tip #3: Lower the Bar in a Quick and Controlled Manner

Beginners to dead lifting are notorious for trying to lower the bar slowly. I don't know if they are worried about making too much noise or if they think slowly lowering the bar is beneficial in some manner, but this isn't the right way to lower the bar when dead lifting. The right way to lower the bar is in a quick and controlled manner. It should be lowered fast enough to not require much energy to support the load, but not so fast that you can't maintain control of the bar. Lowering the bar too slowly prematurely exhausts your muscles and prevents you from performing the maximum number of reps - and it can also hurt your lower back.

The dead lift can be an intimidating lift, but it doesn't have to be. These three tips will eliminate much of the risk with performing this exercise and give you good idea of how to properly perform this essential lift.


Marta Montenegro: A Workout To Control Blood Glucose

How many times a week do you workout? Hopefully, your answer is more than twice a week. Because if you want to lose weight, get stronger and leaner, and avoid cardiovascular disease or diabetes, spacing out your workouts too much won’t maximize these benefits. New studies also shed light on how more frequent workouts keep insulin and glucose levels in control.

Pumping iron have the greatest impact on muscle mass and the interval pattern – high intensity effort/short periods followed by recovery periods – that resistance training imposes. It’s one way to exercise to maximize glucose regulation and insulin sensitivity.

The Kettlebells Workout

 But not just any kind of resistance training will be the most effective.

A study tested the same whole body circuit type workout consisting of 10 exercises, but one group did three sets of 10 reps and other did one set of 10 reps. The greater benefits in glucose regulation were observed with the higher volume group. However, insulin reduction was the same regardless of the protocol.

The message: Do a circuit type of workout, selecting eight to 10 exercises that work the major muscles, aiming for 3 sets of 10 reps. Do this routine three or four times a week leaving one day in between.

Marta Montenegro is an exercise physiologist, certified strength and conditioning coach and master trainer, who teaches as an adjunct professor at Florida International University. Marta has developed her own system of exercises used by professional athletes. Her personal website, martamontenegro.com, combines fitness, nutrition and health tips, exercise routines, recipes and the latest news to help you change your life but not your lifestyle. She was the founder of nationally awarded SOBeFiT magazine and the fitness DVD series Montenegro Method.


Walking Workout: Treadmill Slimmer

Suggested Time: 30 minutes(Prevention.com) -- Treadmills are the perfect excuse buster — no need to worry about weather, traffic, or darkness. Seeing your speed increase as you become more fit is also a huge motivator. Try this routine from Lee Scott, creator of the DVD Simple Steps for a Great Walking Workout, to blast more than 150 calories* in half an hour.

Start at a comfortable speed. Increase 0.6 mph from there for Phase 1 speed intervals. For each subsequent phase, increase your speed intervals by 0.2 mph.

*Calorie burn is based on a 150-pound person and will vary depending on weight, walking speed, and workout duration.


Warming Up to Avoid Getting Let Down

One of the defining factors of the workout is the warm up. Different people place different importance on this. My gym partner doesn't believe in it at all, much to my dismay. He jumps on the Treadmill with an 'I'll warm up while I am running' and is off. However, after 3 years of gymnastics training I know the importance of the warm up and the huge difference it makes on a session. Granted you are not necessarily going to instantly pull a muscle if you don't stretch, but that's not all there is too it. You help get the blood flowing, increase the elasticity of muscles and so much more.
After all is a 'warm up' it gets you ready for the exercise ahead. Allows your body to adapt to the change of pace it is about to be put through.
As well as this there is also the psychological aspect as well, which is different for everyone, for me it is a time to look around and plan the workout for others it's the start of the controlled breathing.
There are so many different warm ups for different effects it would be an endless list. But a few key pointers are;
Hold all stretches for 8-10 seconds.
Even if you aren't using that muscle group then still warm it up, it takes a few seconds but can save days of injury.
Spend 5-10 minutes on the full warm up.
I know these are common sense but it scares me the amount of people I see go changing room - flat out run on the Treadmills - changing room. That massive burst of stress isn't good for you, whether it's an immediate effect or long-term effects.
I know there will always be people that won't agree. People who have been working out for years and have never warmed up. But this is something that shouldn't be dismissed. I have been out for months with some serious injuries that could have been easily avoided if I had done a concise warm up.
In conclusion the ultimate decision lies with the people who are going to exercise. But I know that since I have changed my attitudes to warming up I have been injury free and feel good even after a long run. So if I can help one person change their attitudes too, then I will be more than content!


The Four Basic Gym Essentials For Your Home

First, you check on the space you could work on. You can get equipment that does not take a huge amount of space. Also, consider getting an apparatus that allows multiple functions. This would be great use of the space and would also be beneficial for your workout. Here are some of the best essential home gym equipment that can help you take the first step to healthy living.
Home Workout Essential Number 1: Dumbbells
Dumbbells have been one of the key tools for exercise. You can condition different muscles of the body with the use of dumbbells through the help of different exercise forms and positions. These tools also improve the intensity of your work out by gradually increasing the weights.
Ready-made dumbbells can be purchased depending on the weight you're looking for. This would be effective in workouts as the different sizes and great features, like better grip handles, would be available for you. The downside would be the space. You will need a rack to store the ready made dumbbells.
You can also opt for adjustable dumbbells. You can increase and decrease the amount of weight by removing a plate or adding another. This is better for storage compared to the purchase of multiple ready-made dumbbells. Also, if you need to increase your weights, you can simply buy additional plates to raise the level higher.
If you're planning on making a good investment and money is not an option, get yourself a Powerblock dumbbells. This doesn't take much space, plus it's more compact and more convenient compared with adjustable dumbbells. You simply adjust the pin to add or reduce weights. It also neatly stores in one area and doesn't roll around the floor like a usual dumbbell.
Home Workout Essential Number 2:Adjustable Bench
Do chest press, chest fly, crunches and triceps curls. You can do modified chest presses and focus on different fibers of your pectorals by adjusting the incline or decline of the bench. You can use the declined bench for crunches and sit-ups to condition your abs.It's also possible to find benches that double as a chair to help you during seated triceps curls. This is great as it provides good back support.
Having an adjustable bench allows you to do more exercises compared to just dumbbells alone. Getting a bench is almost second impulse when buying a set of dumbbells. The more versatile your bench is, the more exercises you would be able to do.
Home Workout Essential Number 3:Olympic Barbell Set
You already have an adjustable bench, why not elevate your strength training further? This would allow you to work out like a pro.
You can get Olympic Barbell Sets available in any local sporting goods store at reasonable prices. Make sure you get one with a good, firm and sturdy rod that doesn't easily bend when carrying heavy loads. it's possible to get a good set with good grips and good handles.
Getting it from your local store would be better than buying it online. You'll probably be paying more for shipping as vendors will charge you by the pound.
Home Workout Essential Number 4: Power Rack
You already had this coming. Getting a power rack would be great for you as it helps you to full-body exercises from pull-up, chin-ups, abdominal workout, lift weights and do barbell squats.
The power rack has built in set bars that allow you to lift good amount of weights without the need for a spotter. You can incorporate your Olympic barbell set to the power cage to do this. You can do bicep curls and barbell squats. Use your adjustable bench to do chest presses. Be it inclined, vertical or declined, you can absolutely do a lot safely with the power cage.
Power racks not only add more dimensions to your weight training, they also allow you to do more exercises by incorporating the three other essential equipment previously mentioned. A power rack should have dip bars and pull up bars. Do abdominal crunches like Batman! The possibilities are endless.
With these key gym equipment to start your home gym, you can definitely do any workout routine regardless of any strength level. Invest on other equipment that does more to your work out. Find equipment that would simulate your flexibility or your balance. Part of balance training requires a medicine ball, which really isn't expensive. You can replace the bench with a medicine ball when doing your chest presses with dumbbells, modified push-ups or triceps curls. You'll find medicine balls in different sizes. Special features like burst-resistant would be great for your safety.
Take note that these equipment aren't worth it, unless you put them to good use. You may have the fancy equipment but lack the motivation to work hard. Then the results will not come. Make sure you also check with your trainer, check with your physician and get a balanced diet. The key to healthy living is being dedicated to it and doing it right. Gym equipment can really do so much. One of the best things to have is a healthy, working body.


Center designed for fitness enthusiasts with disabilities

At age 14, Nick Springer was hiking the Appalachian Trail when he came down with a bout of meningitis that left him a quadruple amputee. But that hasn't deterred him from participating in sports.

Now a world-class athlete, the Phoenix resident is a member of the U.S. National Wheelchair Rugby Team, which will compete in the 2012 Paralympic Games in London. The games run Aug. 29 to Sept. 9, soon after the Olympics and in the same venue.

The rugby team won the gold medal in the 2008 Paralympics in Beijing.

"Getting into disabled sports is one of the big things that pulled me through," Springer said. "It helps with quality of life."

He is a regular at the Virginia G. Piper Sports & Fitness Center for Persons with Disabilities at 5031 E. Washington St. in Phoenix, which opened last fall. The center, a program of the non-profit Arizona Bridge to Independent Living, covers 45,000 square feet and is the first of its kind in the western United States.

It has a basketball court, indoor track, 50 pieces of fitness/training equipment and a 40-foot rock-climbing wall donated by the Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority.

The center also has a therapy pool, lap pool and whirlpool with elevators, chair lifts and ramps.

"Quite a bit of effort went into making sure every piece of adaptive equipment was built in," spokesman Loren Worthington said.

On the basketball court, the hoops can be raised or lowered for those in wheelchairs.

Overlooking the basketball court is a one-tenth-mile walking track with a low-impact surface to make walking easier for people with joint or bone ailments, and the track surface promotes friction, helpful in allowing leg prostheses to get a good grip.

Overlooking the court is a clear railing so people can sit in wheelchairs and watch the action. The railing is equipped with electrical outlets to accommodate people on ventilators.

Other programs at the center include yoga, nutrition education, adaptive rowing and power soccer.

Springer said participating in athletics gives him a goal, a benefit for a lot of people.

"Kids with new injuries ... want to strive and do better at sports. It helps with rehabilitation, gives them a better attitude and makes for a stronger body," he said.

Another advantage of the center, he said, is getting out and meeting others in wheelchairs.

The Pros and Cons of Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer

There are a bazillion exercise programs out there. Turn on the television and endless infomercials will stream across the screen, ripped men and women using strange looking exercise devices or dangerous looking machines for obscure reasons. People marching and leaping and bending and promising illimitable benefits if you just follow their latest exercise routine. Some of them look like they might even be legit, while others are clearly making specious claims. Question is: how to tell? One such program that requires a little more examination to make sure that it's not too good to be true is Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer, that claims that it will deliver startling results if you follow the 10 minute workouts. Real, or bogus? Let's take a look.
Let's examine the basic premise. 10 Minute Trainer makes the following claim: "The secret is SUPER STACKING. You're getting a cardio workout, upper-body resistance, and lower body and abs strengthening all at the same time. It would have taken you 30 minutes to an hour to do this with traditional workouts." In the 'Getting Started' section, the program lists three primary areas to focus on:
Do resistance training two or three times a week, preferably not two days in a row, focusing on the same body part.
Do cardio at least two or three times a week
Get your eating habits and portions under control. You don't need to starve yourself, but you do need to eat slightly less than your body can burn off every day.
All of that sounds pretty sensible, but is it feasible? Can you get good results if you 'Super Stack'? On it's face, this sounds like a feasible proposition: if you combine squats with a military press, you are in effect doing two exercises in half the time. Any standing exercise can be augmented by throwing in squats, just as a number of ab exercises can be supplemented with chest flies or presses. So yes, I buy that you can save a large amount of time if you carefully and cleverly combine exercises so that you reap the benefit from both in much less time.10 Minute Trainer
Further, the fundamentals outlined in the three principles above all seem to adhere to basic, sound principles. Nothing revolutionary and outré there. Combine cardio and resistance training, and be careful but not radical about what you eat. That is the kind of basic advice given to any beginning fitness enthusiast, and thus seems above the level.
The question thus becomes: can you get good results in 10 minutes, even if you combine exercises? That is where the quality of Tony's exercises are called into play. Given the wide amount of respect and grudging admiration his other workout routines such as P90X have garnered, it seems clear that at the very least he is no hack. Thus perhaps the best way to examine this program is not by asking if it's the best workout program ever, but if it's an effective program for those who don't have the hour or so necessary to work out each day. Considered in that light, and given the sound principles on which it seems to be based, the answer is that it is clearly better than nothing at all, and probably sound in its own right.
If buying 10 Minute Trainer gets people who don't think they have the time to exercise to do exactly that, especially if Tony Horton is guiding them through sound and basic practices that have been 'stacked' so as to fit in the shortest period of time, than I don't see what's not to like. Myself, I prefer to dedicate more time to my exercise regimen, but were I a busy mother, business professional or any other person without time, than I would definitely turn to Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer as a possible way to get in my exercise as efficiently as possible.10 Minute Trainer


Brazil Butt Lift Reviews – Does it Really Give you that Model Booty?

Brazil Butt Lift is a BeachBody product that promises to give you that higher, tighter, rounder butt in just 60 days.  Brazil is known for its beautiful bikini models; however, it’s important to understand that these models work extremely hard for their looks.  Does the Brazil Butt Lift workout give you that “model” booty?  We did some research to find out.
Brazil Butt Lift – What is it?

Brazil Butt Lift is an at-home DVD workout program designed by Leandro Carvalho, also known as the “Brazilian Butt Master.”  Top bikini supermodels have worked with Leandro, but he wanted to make it possible for the average person to benefit from his unique concept “TriAngle Training.”  You can also expect to trim and tighten your hips, thighs, and belly fat.
Brazil Butt Lift – What’s Included?


    6 Workouts on 3 DVDs
    Booty Makeover Guide
    Booty Makeover Calendar
    Fat-Burning Food Guide
    TriAngle Training Workout Cards
    Measurement Tracker Card and Tape Measure

Plus Bonuses…

    6-Day Supermodel Slimdown Plan
    Strength Band
    Bum Bum Rapido Workout (10 minutes)
    Free Online Support

Brazil Butt Lift – The Concept

The concept behind this program is “TriAngle Training” based on the angles.  This concept not only targets the three major muscles in the buttocks, but also works the heads of these muscles, which is how you get that lift, firmness, and roundness.  What makes this concept different from many other exercises is Triangle Training does not bulk up your thighs.  It actually slims down your thighs instead.

Click here to Order Brazil Butt Lift Workout.
Brazil Butt Lift – The Program

The program is not only designed to give you that booty you want, but also helps you lose those extra unwanted pounds and inches, especially in those areas women commonly have troubles.  It is a sound program complete with the workouts, workout calendar, and food guide.  The workouts are intense and are not for those who need a low-impact exercise routine.    Expect to work hard for that perfect booty.


Wii Zumba Review - Can You Lose Weight at Home With a Video Game?

If you are looking for a way to lose weight or shape up you be considering buying the new Wii Zumba Fitness game. It seems like workout video games are becoming all the rage and now the Zumba franchise is cashing in on this market as well.
There are some definitely pros and cons when it comes to this workout game. It's always a good idea to read over reviews closely before you spend your money on a fitness product.
Wii Zumba Review
One of the best things about the Zumba game is that you can do it from the privacy of your own home. You don't have to head to the gym to take a class and you don't have to worry about being embarrassed about dancing and working out in front of other people. In fact you can start off with this game and then once you master some of the moves then head out to your local gym to get in a class.
This more you practice the moves in this game the more things you are able to unlock, such as different background scenes, more routines, and different music. The game features over 30 different Zumba routines and teaches several different styles of dance from salsa to hip hop. They all have that Latin twist to them just like the real Zumba workouts do.
There are some workouts that you do and you actually dread doing them. This video game workout is definitely not one of those. In fact, you may not even feel like you are working out when you follow along with the Wii Zumba game. It definitely motivates you to work out more and with all the sweating you will do, you are bound to lose some inches off your body.
One of the cons of this video game is that once you master all of the routines you may grow tired of the video game. Now, this may take you awhile to do, but if work out with the game 5 times a week eventually you will go through all the routines. This is why I recommend that you get this video game and add it into your workout routine and not simply make it your whole routine. For example you could do the Zumba game twice a week on Monday and Fridays and then another game or workout DVD on Wednesday s and Saturdays.
If you have never tried Zumba before there will be a learning curve that you have to get over, but the video does a pretty good job at targeting different exercise levels from beginner to more advanced. It will take some time though to learn all the moves and you may become frustrated at first. If you don't like to learn new things or you don't like to dance, then this video game workout may not be for you.
The Wii Zumba Fitness game does a good job at bringing your typical class home to your own television. If you are looking to lose weight or shape up with this game, then that all depends on how much effort you put into your workouts.


Tips Concerning Six Pack Abs For You

Every man wants six pack abs and that sleek look that women all go crazy for. Chiseled and ripped abdominal muscles are the predominant sign of a physically fit male. You must eat and train the right way if you want these abs. Read on to find out tips on how to get six pack abs.
You must be eating both an appropriate balanced diet as well as taking the appropriate supplements and other things that you need in order to train the right way. Maybe its certain fitness foods that the program you are following recommends, or perhaps its something your personal trainer has told you to implement. Whatever the case may be, you must be eating a balanced diet that includes all of the fitness foods and supplements that you need.
In order to train your abdominal muscles, you need to incorporate dead lifts and barbell squats. These are great muscles that really work out your abs in a methodical manner. You can really feel the burn as you continue reps. Make sure you do not do too many reps. Follow a specific program that will guide you as to what to do.
Did you think you were going to get away from doing crunches to train your abs the right way? Wrong! Make sure you do crunches, hanging leg raises, and reverse crunches at least 3 to 4 days each week. While the crunches are important, maintain specific focus on the hanging leg raises because they tighten up your stomach immensely. They are a great exercise for lower abdominal muscles as well.
You must pay attention to form when you are doing abdominal exercises. It is important for two major reasons. First, an improper form can cause injury to your body in different ways. You want to make sure you keep the right form in order to protect yourself from injury. Secondly, improper form will reduce effectiveness of the exercise that you are doing in order to chisel your abdominal muscles.
You must also make sure you do exercises that are going to train your obliques. Oblique crunches and side bends are good exercises for this. Oblique crunches are much easier to perform, but many people find them more tedious than side bends. The side bends are a great exercise, but you have to be careful. Moving too fast can injure your back, so you must always use proper form and technique.
In order to make sure you are diversifying your workout regimen and burning fat properly, you are going to need to have at least two days per week where you engage in cardiovascular exercise. Cardiovascular exercise is very important in keeping your body balanced and healthy.
Everyone can build muscle and get six pack abs if they dedicate themselves to training properly in every way. Follow the tips and advice from the article you have just read, and you will be on your way to having six pack abs in no time.


Bench Press Equipment: What Are Your Options?

Almost all bodybuilders and weight lifters have the bench press as a part of their routine. The bench press is what's often used to measure one's upper body strength. Not only will it increase the strength of your chest, triceps, and shoulders, but will also build your reputation.

The bench press can be done in several ways, and each one is used for different reasons. If exercising from home is your preference, then buying bench press equipment is something to consider.

Standard or Flat Bench

The flat bench is a staple of any commercial or home gym. An ideal flat bench would have supports for the bar as well. Most of these benches do have several racking heights to accommodate taller and shorter individuals. Some spotter arms come with the ability to adjust them vertically. You also have the option to buy a basic flat bench with no spotter arms. Instead of lifting a barbell, you would lift dumbbells. I actually prefer the latter because each side gets worked equally.

Incline Bench Tool

An incline bench press is recommended if you want to focus on the middle and upper part of the chest. Anyone who wants a thick, bulky chest should do the incline variation. The change in position allows you to work the upper pectoralis muscle and anterior deltoids more effectively than the flat bench press does. Because it's so effective and involves a more natural motion, this is a favorite among many bodybuilders.

Multi-Exercise Bench

This kind of bench press equipment offers multiple exercises with attachments generally for leg exercises, and a preacher curl pad. Multi benches are rarely found in gyms and are sold primarily as home equipment. For those who want to do more than one exercise and have limited space, this is an option to consider.

Weights and Bar

There are a lot of options in choosing bars and weights compare to other equipment. They come in a variety of shapes and sizes from Olympic bar, Olympic bench, and barbell.

Bench press equipment is available in many different variations. If you have come up with a decision to buy a complete set of equipment, think of how much you are willing to spend first. Consider all the options.

The most inexpensive and flexible option is to purchase a flat bench with the ability to incline, while using dumbbells instead of a barbell. It allows you to work more muscles and do many more exercises. It all boils down to what you prefer and can afford.


Dresses For Plus Size Women That We Just Can't Get Enough Of

Once upon a time, the many dresses for plus size women were huge and over size. In short, they were not really fashionable. And large women just had to put up with the fact that they need something to wear comfortably. Well times have changed for the better and here's why.

More Fashionable Plus Size Dresses For Women

There is now a huge variety of fashionable plus size dresses for women that one can find online any time. And since many women are busy working these days, purchasing them online will definitely help them save time and gas. No one wants to get stuck in traffic jams or spend the whole day driving from one store to another looking for dresses when you can search online in the comfort of your own home. Since some of the online stores offer free shipping, it's more convenient to have you items delivered straight to your home. Unless you have all the energy and time in the world to do window shopping. Besides, you get to see more variety online and to also zero in on the style and designs that interest you.

What is Currently Popular?

So at the moment, large women get to look really good since many of the plus size dresses for women have been designed following the latest fashion trends. Need a dress for an evening dinner? There's plenty of choices to bowl you over. Want to go chill out at the club with friends? You could find some hot sexy plus size dresses that will make heads turn. And all these dresses will complement your figure. Whether you need some trendy tops or party dress to little black dresses and day shirts, you find the latest offering very appealing. And many of the online stores selling these clothing will have sizing information which makes it easier for women to select the sizes of their choice.

More Color, Cutting And Style

No longer will these dresses for plus size women be boring or mundane. There is now quite a good market for them as more and more designers come up with more designs offering beautiful cutting and a variety of colors and style to suite the taste of women all over. So if you're game to get some shopping done, now would be a good time.


These are some of the main reasons why we just can't seem to get enough of these dresses for plus size women. Especially with the fact that they are so readily and easily available online which women could purchase and have them shipped directly to them. Have a wonderful time shopping for them!


Remembering the Titanic Through Edwardian Jewelry

The world will commemorate the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the RMS Titanic on April 15, 2012. Interest in the Titanic has grown this year with the commemoration of the sinking and a new release of the Oscar-winning 1997 movie. The Edwardian Period encompassed the rule of Edward VII of England, whose reign began with the death of his mother, Queen Victoria, in 1901 and ended with his death in 1910. Historians often extend the Edwardian period to the sinking of the Titanic and even to the end of World War I in 1918. King Edward VII and his wife Alexandra were known for their high style, influenced by their travels throughout Europe and to India.

Platinum and Diamonds and Pearls

New technologies made the use of platinum and finer cutting of gemstones possible during the Edwardian period. Platinum resists tarnishing and makes a particularly good setting for diamonds. Jewelry of the Edwardian period reflected the delicate lace that was popular in clothing of the time. Intricate and light filigrees were prominent in rings, necklaces, and brooches of the era. Pearls were also in fashion, mostly among the wealthy.


King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra's influence in fashion extended to the jewelry of the time. Edward's favorite stone was the peridot, while Alexandra's was the amethyst. Those stones frequently show up in Edwardian jewelry. Women's eveningwear featured low-cut necklines, which were perfect for showcasing pendants. The Heart of the Ocean necklace from the movie Titanic, with its blue diamond pendant surrounded by smaller white diamonds, was the type of necklace that would have been popular in the Edwardian era. The movie was originally released 15 years ago, but reproductions of the Heart of the Ocean are still available. Queen Alexandra popularized chokers and wore them with other necklaces.

Brooches and Other Accessories

Edwardian women wore brooches, tiaras, bracelets and other accessories along with necklaces and rings. Women often wore multiples pieces of jewelry at once, a sign of the opulence of the time. That look would be considered over the top today, but one or two pieces of Edwardian-style jewelry would lend elegance to any contemporary outfit.

Antiques and Reproductions

Jewelry dating from the Edwardian period is available from auction houses and jewelers who specialize in vintage pieces. Prices for both antique and reproduction Edwardian style jewelry are still reasonable, although the most ornate pieces dating from the period may command thousands of dollars. Reproductions are usually cheaper than vintage jewelry, but still look elegant. Whether reproduction or antique, Edwardian jewelry's ornate and feminine styles make a titanic fashion statement.