
Best Workout For Your Bodytype

Are you doing the same as your neighbor at the gym and seeing no results? This is not surprising. Unless you have the same body type as your neighbor, you may be following the wrong regime. Not everyone responds to a particular approach to diet and exercise in exactly the same way! Exercise, as dieting, is not a one-size fits all proposition. For best results, you need to know your body type to see what will make it lose weight, build strength, or build muscle.

 Endomorph heavy set body-type (possibly obese); easy gainer of muscle/ hard loser of fat. An endomorph is the kind of body that most easily adds muscular size. The endomorph body type often has big bones, a round face, and a large trunk and thighs.
 Endomorph body types have a naturally high degree of body fat, especially around the midsection. Endomorphs are sometimes referred to as pear-shaped. Stomach muscles are full in the endomorph because this type holds glycogen in greater quantities within the muscle, along with water.
 Endomorphs usually struggle to control their weight. They generally have slower metabolisms and the inability to exert enough effort to burn the required calories due to the large amount of weight the endomorph carries.

 Mesomorph athletic, ideal body-type, evenly proportioned. Easy gainer/ hard loser of muscle; Hard gainer/ easy loser of fat. This is the athletic type everyone wants to be. Most bodybuilders have this type of body. Mesomorphs nonetheless have to engage in a disciplined regimen of diet and exercise to maintain this body type.

 Ectomorph has difficulty putting on either muscle or fat; Easy loser of fat/ hard gainer of muscle. This body type is characterized by a light build and slight muscular development. Ectomorphs may even have trouble gaining weight and feel they are too thin. As with other body types, people who fall into this category should exercise, but will have a different focus. Because they are often trying to gain weight, an ectomorph might spend more time on strength training and a bit less time on cardio work
 Training by Body-Type

 Certainly many of us have experienced or have watched the person working out for hours at a time who get little or no resultsno changes to their weight loss nor to their muscle mass. Time to make the change. Try fitting your exercise regime to your body. The first step is assessing your body-type: Endo, Meso, or Ectomorph, or a combination of two of these.

 Endomorphic training is a little more demanding than training for some of the other body types. Training must be intense because of the natural inclination of the endomorph to hold on to glycogen and water.
 Sets should number much higher with this type, particularly in the larger muscle group workouts, such as back, legs and chest. Repetitions should be higher as well. What is considered overtraining with the other body types is normal for the endomorph. The endomorphs are the work horses of the gym.
 25 sets for back workouts and 30+ sets for legs are not out of the ordinary for this body-type if theyre training correctly and honoring their physique type. The Endomorph needs variety, intensity, high number of sets, brief rest times, higher repetitions, moderate to high weigh and complex sets (super sets).
 In addition, the endomorph should do mostly aerobic type movement for a minimum of 30 minutes per session, at least 4-5 days per week in the beginning. The endomorph should not drop calories and increase aerobic work because this will reduce the metabolic rate. The goal for the endomorph is to burn as many calories as possible while retaining muscle mass.

 Training for the Mesomorph should be moderate and balanced. The Mesomorph body type should do an equal balance of both aerobic and cardiovascular training. Four days per week is about the maximum a mesomorph needs to do to remain fit. Much more than that and the mesomorph could eat into his muscle stores.
 The Mesomorph who seeks sexy lean muscle tone while losing fat simply needs to lift light weights with plenty of repetitions. A total body workout routine 3 times a week that changes every 2 to 3 months is ideal for a slender mesomorph figure.
 A Mesomorph looking for a chunky muscular body shape gets best results from heavy weights with few reps. The workout routines should be divided into 3 complimentary workouts per week.
 To maximize muscle development, the Mesomorph needs to minimize rest between sets to around 30 seconds and no more than a minute.

 This type only needs to do cardio work about 2-3 days per week, maximum, to get benefit. This body type should focus mostly on cardio, not aerobic work. Its crucial to put yourself into a heart training zone, as rapidly as possible, in order to avoid burning up weight or muscle.
 A typical Ectomorphic workout should focus first on a powerlifting type of workout, doing just bench press, squat, dead lift, within the first few months. The average leg workout should initially include 4-6 sets of squats for legs, going for as much weight as possible with good form, each time
 For chest, a session of bench press with great attention to form to get the maximum number of pounds overhead. For the large muscles of back, legs and chest, there should be 2 to 3 days between each body part workout. Go heavy and go for just a few reps. We want to maximize recovery and growth. Dont overdo sets and reps.

