Exercise bikes remain as other fitness machines fade away. These aren't a fad. Must be a reason why. Much highly advertised equipment really doesn't do what is suggested or at least not as easily as suggested... Actually much special purpose machines for exercise are worth next to nothing. What's more, no exercise equipment will work if it's too much of a hassle or too inconvenient to use on a regular basis. That's why the key to the popularity of exercise bikes is partly about burning calories but there's more than just that.
Many exercises burn calories about like an exercise bike. That makes for value of the exercise bike about like other machines but there's more... Here's how some machines compare for burning calories.
Pedaling like crazy on a stationary bicycle burns about 9.6 calories a minute. More leisurely working burns 7 or so per minute.
you burn about 300 calories in a 30 minute workout and that's really going at it. That's some serious effort for that return. Thirty minutes of moderate to hard pedaling is quite the workout. Pedaling hard for a few minutes in one thing... But it's the really high effort workouts for longer times that really produce results. Work is the operative word sadly enough. Loafing isn't worth much after all.
Row a stationary rowing machine and it's about the same. Aerobics stepping, the same... Running about that too... Elliptical machines are similar as well... Bicycling... same... They're all about the same.
So why do many people choose stationary exercise bikes when there are so many other pieces of exercise equipment that could be used instead? Why are bikes still the choice of many instead of something more flashy or more highly promoted. Following are a few possible reasons.
Exercise bikes don't care what the weather is.
Work out right at home and you work more often and at less cost too.
Low stress exercise on the joints means minimal joint pounding for us old guys.
These bikes work even if you are carrying minor injuries. After all they often get used in rehab.
It's easy to do and nothing to learn plus little chance of injuries.
Not much back strain, unlike several other kinds of exercise machines.
Muscle builder, which is one of the keys to raising the basal metabolism and long-term weight loss.
Work harder since you're using major muscle groups.
Quality exercise bikes aren't all that expensive and produce results to equal many more trendy machines. The metabolism boosting from bikes appears particularly important. Use the major muscles and turn your body into a better fat burner. That's the real key to long-term weight loss and the real strength of these machines.