Taking care of your pet dog and giving it the right amount of exercise they need is vital in keeping them health and happy. These days, people are living a lifestyle that seems to affect the dog exercise habits. Dog owners might find themselves too busy to spend a few hours or even minutes a day to take care of their dog fitness. Without proper exercise, dogs might develop illnesses like weak bones and muscles, arthritis, and DM in dogs. So what exercises do dogs need? Below are a few simple and short exercise routines that you can set for your dog.
This is a good exercise for both you and your dog. You can take your dog out for a jog early morning before you go to work or late in the afternoon when you come back. Jog around your neighborhood and let it explore the area. Make sure you have a firm leash on the dog so that if it would ever run off, then you can stop it by tugging on the leash a little. Like humans, jogging improves the dog cardiovascular system, promoting blood flow to all the areas of their body. It also gives you and your dog some bonding time.
If you are lucky enough to live near somewhere the dog can swim, then give it a try. Dogs naturally know how to swim. They use their front legs to paddle themselves to the ground, which could be a bad thing since their hind legs do not really get much exercise because of this. However, many vets and animal physical therapist would advise this exercise for dogs with DM since it less stressful. DM in dogs starts off in their hind legs so starting them off with swimming helps them get the strength of their hind legs back without putting too much pressure on them.
Obstacle Course
Some people think that you need to go to some dog club to use an obstacle course, but you really don have to. Make shift obstacle courses that you can make works wonderfully. You can also take your dog to the park and make a rout that it needs to follow and finish. Make sure that the rout is able to test the dog abilities and skills. Obstacle courses can also help with discipline and obedience training. A dog that can run through an obstacle course with good marks can join competitions.